My Counters

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Weight Loss Support Message Board

A message board I have been a member of for almost 2 years is shutting down :( (Choosing 2 Lose) so in an effort to stay in contact with some of the friends I have made there, my darling hubby has set up a Weight Loss Forum/Message board for me, I would love to see you there!

It doesn't matter where you are at in your weight loss journey, beginning, end (at goal) etc, this message board will be there to support you through it all! There will be a great bunch of ladies who will be there! Hopefully will get some men supporters as well :)


Fat[free]Me said...

What a good idea - I will try it out!

Tricia said...

I've never tried that site, but have used Sparkpeople as a support network. I think its imperative for people to have a good network to turn to. Great idea to keep up with your friends!

Anonymous said...

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